[공통] 해외석학 온라인 세미나 개최 (주제: Sparse processing in ocean acoustics)
친환경 디지털 조선해양 BK 교육연구단 / 친환경 스마트 선박 R&D 전문인력양성사업단에서는
해외 석학 온라인 세미나를 개최하오니 많은 관심 부탁 드립니다.
- 주제: Sparse processing in ocean acoustics
- 일시: 2022년 11월 4일 (금) 14:00
- 장소: 34동 316호
- 링크: 첨부파일 참고
- 발표자: Dr. Yongsung Park (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, USA)
- 초록
Sparse processing is an attractive signal-processing technique for ocean acoustics. The sparse processing recovers sparse signals. The sparse signal is the signal of interest characterized by a relatively small number of components in the signal domain. The sparse processing is linked to Bayesian inference interpretation, a statistical signal processing approach. In many underwater acoustics problems, the system framework can be modeled with a sparse signal and the sparse signal reconstruction problem. This talk introduces underwater acoustic signal processing problems and sparse processing applications.
- 221104-세미나.pdf (165 KB, download:73)