[공통] [BK] 해외석학 온라인 세미나 안내 (4/27, 화)
BK 교육연구단에서 개최하는 해외석학 온라인 세미나를 아래와 같이 안내합니다.
■ 일시: 2021년 4월 27일 (화) 15:30
■ 접속 링크: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/82824464880 (Zoom ID: 828 2446 4880)
■ 발표자: Simon Roussanaly, Research Scientist (SNITEF Energy Research, Norway)
■ 주제: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Latest updates in Norway and research activities at SINTEF Energy Research
■ 초록: Enabling low-carbon technologies is critical to achieving the ambitions of the Paris Agreement and the early emission-reduction targets adopted by many countries for 2030. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is recognized as a key measure to reduce CO2 emissions from power and industry. Over the past decades, many strong research, development, and demonstration efforts have been taking place to accelerate CCS technologies toward commercialization, as well as the development of novel concepts. Despite significant progress, further developments are required to reduce costs, scale up technologies, and reduce risks in order to enable widespread deployment.
SINTEF Energy Research AS is an independent Norwegian research institute affiliated under the SINTEF Foundation. Its main office and main activities are located in Trondheim, Norway, sharing facilities with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). SINTEF Energy Research has been involved in projects related to CCS technologies since 2001 focusing on all aspects of the CCS chain: capture, transport, storage, and value chain. In addition to leading and being involved in many national, European, and international projects, SINTEF Energy Research is the coordinator of the Norwegian CCS Research Centre (an 8-year centre running since 2017 and with a total budget of nearly 600 MNOK). This seminar will present an overview of recent developments on CCS and an overview of SINTEF Energy Research activities on CCS.
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