[공통] Masashi Kashiwagi 교수(오사카 대학, 일본 조선학회 회장) 세미나 공지

황혜주l 2017-10-19l 조회수 14561
오사카 대학의 교수이자 일본 조선학회장인 Masashi Kashiwagi 교수님의 세미나를 아래와 같이 공지합니다.
학생들의 많은 참석 바랍니다.

제목: Hydrodynamic Study on Added Resistance Using Unsteady Wave Analysis 

연사: Masashi Kashiwagi 교수 (오사카대학, 일본 조선학회 회장)

일시: 2017년 10월 23일(월), 4:00-5:00PM

장소: 조선해양공학과 세미나실 (36동 204호)

It is known that the added resistance in waves can be computed from  ship-generated unsteady waves through the unsteady wave analysis method. To  investigate the effects of nonlinear ship-generated unsteady waves and  bluntness of the ship geometry on the added resistance, measurements of  unsteady waves, wave-induced ship motions, and added resistance were carried  out using two different (blunt and slender) modified Wigley models. The  ship-generated unsteady waves are also produced by the linear superposition  using the waves measured for the diffraction and radiation problems and the  complex amplitudes of ship motions measured for the motion-free problem in  waves. Then a comparison is made among the values of the added resistance by  the direct measurement using a dynamometer and by the wave analysis method 
using the Fourier transform of measured and superposed waves. It is found  that near the peak of the added resistance where ship motions become large,  the degree of nonlinearity in the unsteady wave becomes prominent, especially  at the forefront part of the wave. Thus, the added resistance evaluated with  measured waves at larger amplitudes of incident wave becomes much smaller  than the values by the direct measurement and by the wave analysis with  superposed waves or measured waves at smaller amplitude of incident wave. 
Discussion is also made on the characteristics of the added resistance in the  range of short incident waves. 

Professor Masashi Kashiwagi graduated from undergraduate and postgraduate  courses at Osaka University and got a PhD degree in 1984. After working as  Research Associate for two and half years at Kobe University of Mercantile  Marine (currently Kobe University), he moved to RIAM (Research Institute for  Applied Mechanics), Kyushu University, as Associate Professor, and he started  the seakeeping study intensely in association with the late Professor Makoto Ohkusu. He stayed at MIT during 1991-1992 as a visiting associate professor and became a full professor of Kyushu University in 2001. Prof. Kashiwagi returned to Osaka University in 2008 as a professor of Naval Architecture and  Ocean Engineering.  He has organized several important international conferences and served as Editor-in-Chief for Applied Ocean Research since 2005. He has published more than 300 technical papers, and received many renowned awards, such as C.H. Kim Award, Jin S. Chung Award, Weinblum Memorial Lectureship, ISOPE Best-paper Award (twice), JASNAOE Best-paper Award. Currently he is the  president of Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers.