[공통] 해외저명학자 특별 세미나 안내

박주연l 2016-10-11l 조회수 6714

해외저명학자들의 특별세미나 안내


조선해양공학 분야에서 저명하신 두 분의 연사를 초대하여 특별 세미나를 개최합니다.

두분 연사들은 조선해양분야에서 세계를 대표하는 최고의 연구자이자 학자입니다.

다음 주 개최되는 OK Conference 2016에서의 강연을 위해 한국을 방문하시는 기회에 서울대학교를 방문하시도록 각별히 부탁을 드렸습니다.

학부 및 대학원생들, 그리고 교수님들의 많은 참석을 부탁드립니다.



1. The Global Trend of Offshore Industry: Peter G. Novel 박사 (Noble Associated Inc.)

2. Ships and Sea Structures with a Hydrodynamic Perspective: Odd Magnus Faltinsen 교수 (NTNU)


일시: 10월 17일(월) 14:00~15:30

장소: 38동  517호


연사 Biography

1. Peter Noble:
Peter Noble is naval architect and marine engineer with a wide range of expertise and experience in the marine and offshore industries. His career has included positions with shipyards; with ship and offshore design consultants; with offshore and marine research and development companies; with major classification societies and most recently as Chief Naval Architect with the international oil company, ConocoPhillips, prior to his retirement from full-time employment in 2013.

2. Odd Magnus Faltinsen

Odd Magnus Faltinsen was born in 1944 in Stavanger, Norway, and obtained a cand. real. in applied mathematics at the University of Bergen in 1968 and a PhD in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in 1971 at the University of Michigan. He has worked on broad aspects of hydrodynamics of displacement ships, high-speed craft, offshore structures and fish farms. He has been professor of Marine Hydrodynamics from 1976 at NTNUand educated 59 PhD. He ishonorary professor at Harbin Engineering University, Academic Master at Dalian University of Technology and has been visiting professor three 1-year periods at MIT, US.Faltinsen is the author of the three textbooks Sea loads on Ships and Offshore Structures, Hydrodynamics of High-Speed Marine Vehicles, Sloshing (co-authored with A. N. Timokha). Cambridge University Press has published them all. He has authored about 450 publications in scientific journals, conferences and books, and given about 50 keynote and honors lectures.
