[대학원] Prof. Stanley Osher, 2014년 가우스상(수학의 노벨상) 수상자 강연 안내

박주연l 2016-04-05l 조회수 5173

아래와 같이 공대 주최 강연을 안내하오니 관심있는 학생들의 참여 바랍니다.


1. 개최 일시: 4 11() 오후 4<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

2. 개최 장소: 38동 글로벌공학교육센터 5층 글로벌컨벤션플라자

3. 강사명: Prof. Stanley Osher, 2014년 가우스상(수학의 노벨상) 수상자

4. 강사소속: Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Electrical Engineering & Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, UCLA, USA

5. 강의 Title: What mathematical algorithms can do for the real (and even fake) world

6. 강의 내용: I will give a very personal overview of the evolution of mainstream applied mathematics from the early 60's onwards. This era started pre computer with mostly analytic techniques, followed by linear stability analysis for finite difference approximations, to shock waves, to image processing, to the motion of fronts and interfaces, to compressive sensing and the associated optimization challenges, to the use of sparsity in Schrodinger's equation and other PDE's, to overcoming the curse of dimensionality in parts of control theory and in solving the associated high dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi equations.


* 초청자: 교수 김태완