[공통] 한-영공학 콜로퀴엄 개최 안내
아래와 같이 한-영공학 콜로퀴엄을 개최하오니 관심 있는 학생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
Seoul National University Workshop on
ROK-UK Nexus on Engineering Education and Research
- 일 시 : 2014. 3. 4.(화) 4:30-6:20
- 장 소 : BK Hall 39-B103, Seoul National University (SNU)
- Tentative Programme
4:30 Introduction by Chairman of Naval Architecture Engineering
4:35 Special Lecture by Dr. Dong-Shik Shin, KAMAC (Korean) "Past and Future of Manufacturing Industry of Korea"
5:10 Introduction by Nuclear Engineering
5:15 Special Lecture by Professor Robin Grimes, Imperial College "Emerging Nuclear Power Program and Education in UK"
5:50 Question and Answer
6:00 Wrap-up
6:05 Move to SNU NUTRECK
6:10 Nuclear Engineering Education and Research in ROK by Professor Il-Soon Hwang
6:20 Adjourn
보다 자세한 내용은 첨부파일 참조 바랍니다.
- SNU-ROK-UK-WS-Inv-20140304Final.pptx (2 MB, download:45)