[대학원] 세미나 및 외부강사 강의 안내

박주연l 2013-08-22l 조회수 5290

8월 21일(수) ~ 9월 4일(수)의 기간중에 학과 내 세미나 및 외부강사 강의를 공지하오니

학생들의 많은 관심과 참여를 바랍니다.?



세미나 및 강의명

내 용

기간 및 장소



Ocean Dynamics and Acoustic Variability in East China Sea

The East China Sea (ECS) and surrounding area is a complex region from the perspective of oceanography, hydrography, and bathymetry. In turn, the internal wave activity within this region is extremely complex. While the impact of acoustic field variability associated with internal waves propagating from deep to shallow water (e.g., South China Sea) has been studied extensively, the impact of internal waves in shallow water and broad shelves (e.g., Yellow Sea and ECS) and their interactions still is poorly understood. In an effort to better understand the coupling of oceanography, acoustics, and underwater communications in such a dynamic region, a joint experiment between SIO and KIOST is planned for the summer of 2015 in the ECS.



201호 세미나실

송희천 박사

(Marine Physical Lab, Uni.of California, San Diego)